Tuesday, June 29, 2004

Small change

[Suggested writing topic from A Writer's Book of Days]

As I lay there on the hard, unyielding pavement, hundreds and thousands of footsteps rushed by me, seemingly oblivious of my presence. It did not matter if these feet were connected to giant trunks with a cotton-like bark, slender willowy columns of porcelain, or unsightly hair-covered supports - they were all equally prejudiced toward me.

I am helpless and immobile - the only way I am able to move is if someone accidentally kicks me in my side, enough to roll me over and over until I come to a stop, staring up again hoping some kind soul will stop and rescue me.

After an indeterminable amount of time, my prayers are answered. I feel some soft fingers grasp me around my midsection and lift me up. The fingers are coated with some sticky, dark substance that fouls my shiny skin, but I no longer care. I gaze back into wonderous eyes, as a giggle emerges from childish lips.

"Look what I found, dada!" she exclaims, "my very own quarter!"

Nothing can beat the instanteous change of feeling worthless one second, and then priceless the next. I am truly loved and wanted once again.

Monday, June 28, 2004

Un Aperitif

Narrative urges - they come and go as unpredictably as the spawning of twisters on a muggy, summer eve. One moment, the blood rushing through my fingers as they fly across the keyboard can barely keep up with the ideas cascading out of my mind, but the next instant, a blank wall staring back at me with deafening silence.

Lately I've been sensing a pulsating beat, emanating from somewhere within my being. Words and phrases, cooking under a gentle boil, simmering in wait, occassionally rising to the surface where they pop and spew their creative juices onto my canvas primed for alphanumeric characters.

Not yet, but soon. I promise.