Tuesday, May 11, 2004

Am I Expecting Too Much?

To the lady who won my latest Ebay auction:

Is it too much to ask that you email me and tell me you're not interested in the item anymore? Or do you consider giving the cold shoulder perfectly fine netiquette? I've sent you numerous emails, asking you what the deal is. And day after day, I get nothing back. I understand if circumstances change and you really shouldn't have bid on the item to begin with. But at least show me the common courtesy and inform me that you changed your mind. Please? It's not that much to ask. That way I can either list the item again or sell it through other means.

By not responding to any of my emails, now I have to drag it out and file a non-paying bidder report. Now I have to wait *another* 10 days to see if you respond to that before I can consider the auction null and void. That's 10 days more that I have to wait until I can get the much needed money that I was counting on.

Thanks for nothing lady. Because that's what I've gotten from you. Nothing.


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