Monday, March 7, 2005

Staying busy...

- AvP: Sucky plot, some good AvP fights. Good thing it was a free rental.

- Riding 8 miles w/Braden on a trailer bike behind me is probably the equivalent of riding 20 miles solo. At least that's the way my legs felt trying to go up steep hills. We had a blast Saturday afternoon though - got out into the warm, spring air along the Arkansas River with our new Camelbaks & gave Jen some peace & quiet at home.

- Another victory in our table tennis league brings Co-worker buddy & my record up to 5-2 overall. Driving back in my truck with the windows rolled down, the warm air gushing past our ears, Sonic Route 49 slushies in our hands, Tiny Dancer cranked up on my stereo, and singing at the top of our lungs - life just doesn't get much better than that. It's moments like that that I will miss *especially* once CWB is gone this summer. *sigh* In some ways, he's like the brother I never had....

- My heart is finally troublefree now that my friend Joshua's computer is protected from viruses, spyware, and hackers. He got DSL several weeks ago but I haven't been able to go over & help him set up all these protections until last night. Yay us!!

- Apple's 30" Cinema flat panel monitor RULEZ all. I drooled all over it when I saw it at CompUSA today.

- Signed Ariel up for softball again this spring. I can't wait!!!

- March Madness is coming up in 2 weeks. I can't wait!!!

- Baby is due is less than 3 weeks. I can't wait!!!

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