Monday, April 26, 2004

Church Woes

Grrrr. The latest action (or inaction as the case may be) by the bishop of our ward is almost enough to be the last straw. The first straw? During one of our moves out of the house we were staying in (whose owners went to serve a mission for the Church), we were told by the bishop in no uncertain terms that "the church is NOT a moving company." Hello?? Excuse me?? I thought that part of the church's duty was to help out fellow members. That's why we enlisted the help of friends during our last couple of moves. This is also the same church leadership that said Jen was only allowed 3 meals (provided by members) when she gave birth to Braden years ago. I don't understand this mentality where service is frowned upon. And then just recently....
One of Jen's friends (who is inactive) is in the process of going through a divorce. Her soon to be ex-husband also just got fired not too long ago and is working a job making beans for pay. As it is, they have very little money and are always behind on bills. Out of kindness & generosity, Jen gave her friend some money to help her keep her utilities from being shut off. Somehow, the bishop found out that Jen did this and told her, in no uncertain terms, "to stop giving her money & stop helping her out." His reasoning? Because "we all have our own bills to pay and can't afford to be giving money out." What is up with that?? Whatever happened to Christian charity? The bishop also made a comment to Jen about how since her friend was so poor, she shouldn't have had so many kids.

Perhaps he feels like the Church shouldn't help out because her friend has been inactive. Jen explained the reasons to him of her not going to Church, mostly because she feels uncomfortable in the ward, and has been ridiculed in the past. The bishop even went as far to say that "even if she starts coming back to church now, that doesn't qualify her for assistance from the Church."

I'm sorry, but it's not like Jen's friend has been taking advantage of the church for months and months. I don't see other churches who run soup kitchens and meals on wheels deny aid to the needy simply because they don't belong to the same church. It just really chaps my hide when I hear about how family friendly the church is supposed to be and how much charity work they've done overseas and yet here they are unwilling to help a family who is clearly in need.

Another member of the ward also had the GALL to tell Jen's friend that she wouldn't be in the terrible situation that she's in had she gone to church all along. I know that's that member's own opinion and doesn't reflect the Church, but still. Grr.

I told Jen that if the bishopric is being so obstinate about helping out her friend, that she should probably take things up on the Stake level. But it sure leaves a sour taste in my mouth and another reason why I haven't been to church.

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