Tuesday, April 13, 2004

Science: A, Math: A, Overweight: D

THIS is just wrong. Oh so wrong.

Excuse me??? Kids are now being "graded" for being overweight? What kind of moronic law is that? Does something need to be done about the increase in number of overweight kids? Probably. But is it up to schools to "grade" children on that? Now kids can come home and say, "hey mom, I got A's in math, science and social studies, but I'm failing in overweightness."

I'm sorry, but I think most parents have a PREE-TY good idea if their child is overweight. It's certainly not something that needs to be re-emphasized. Kids (hell, adults even) are pretty touchy about their weight anyway - I can see how all this pressure on not being overweight could potentially give these kids a major complex and make things even worse.

And while the schools are getting involved, I think it's ultimately up to the parents and families to do something about this problem. Somehow I doubt eating healthier school lunches and getting 15 minutes added onto recess will solve the problem if Junior goes home, plops down on the couch, powers up his Gamecube, pops open a Coke, and polishes off a bag of chips, only to have mom come home later with a Big Mac & fries and Biggie Soda.

Fundamentally it's going to involve a lifestyle change which is not easy to do with working parents, easy access to fast food, constant barrage of media, pre-packaged meals, abundance of computer/video games.

Hell, just at Ariel's softball practices, I've noticed siblings sitting around & playing Gameboy rather than running around & playing.

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